《"故事中国"图画书故宫》以图画书的形式,形象生动地向小朋友们诠释故宫的构造:穿过午门,就来到了内金水桥,内金水桥前是太和门。小明和爸爸在太和门前驻足时,小明发现了一扇神奇的门,他穿过这道门,竟然来到了古时候的紫禁城。由此开始了古代、现代两条线索并行的故事。故事以位于北京中轴线中心的故宫为讲述主体,以小明穿越的形式将古代与现代链接起来,体现出编绘者别出心裁的创意诠释。((The Story China's Picture Book The Forbidden City vividly illustrates the structure of the Forbidden City to the children in the form of a picture book:Through the Meridian Gate, came to the Golden Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge is too before the door.When Xiao Ming and his father stopped in front of Taihe Gate, Xiao Ming discovered a magical door. He crossed the door and unexpectedly came to the ancient Forbidden City.This started the ancient, modern two clues parallel story.The story takes the Forbidden City located at the center of Beijing's central axis as the main body of the story, linking the ancient and the modern in the form of Xiaoming's cross and reflecting the ingenious interpretation of the compilers.)
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